Upcoming events. Get involved.
Evangelist Training Ceremony
Come and meet the first-year group of Evangelists at their certification ceremony! Also hear from speakers Rev. Michael Newman, Rev. Dr. Yohannes Mengstab, and Rev. Philip Doublestein. This group is led by our very own Laura Sanders. Thank you for your support!
Haven for Hope Chapel
Every Monday, LINC San Antonio provides a Bible study and worship time for Haven for Hope residents. If you’d like to volunteer to help host (welcome and warmth) and set up/tear down, email Pastor Philip Doublestein at philipd@lincsa.org.
Bible Study at Haven for Hope
One of our most cherished outreaches, we are restarting our ministry here post-COVID. Contact Pastor Philip Doublestein to learn about how to apply to volunteer.
LINC VBS for Children with Special Needs
Led by Jordan Wimberly, BCBA, LINC is planning a two-day VBS for elementary school-aged children with special needs. We will share all of the updates on this page, so we hope you will bookmark it and check back in regularly.
We are currently looking for volunteers to assist these children with special needs during a two-day VBS.
***Dates and times are TBD, but will happen during summer break in 2020.
(Delayed) Church Planter - Philip Doublestein - Preaching at King of Kings
Come to King of Kings Lutheran Church on Sunday (DELAYED) to hear Pastor Phil preach and talk about the new church plant at Brooks.
8:00 AM Worship
9:30 AM Adult Bible Study
10:45 AM Worship
We are so grateful to Pastors Neldo Schmidt and Jay Cantwell, and the people at King of Kings who are partnering with us to join Jesus on mission.

Friday Night Live with Pastor Phil and Abe
Casual discussion. Live. About over-spiritualization, nihilism, and reconciliation. But super practical.
Opportunity to ask questions during the livestream. Facebook at LINC San Antonio.
Brooks Meeting #3
Meeting to dream and plan for community engagement at Brooks. This meeting will help us to understand the necessity for serving the community before we start to worship.
Bring a Bible (or app) and meet us in the conference room. Look for the red LINC banner near the hotel restaurant to find us. Food, coffee, and water will be provided.
Church Planter - Philip Doublestein - Preaching at Cross Lutheran Church
Come to Cross Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 16 and hear Pastor Phil as he continues to cast the vision for the Brooks church plant.
8:30am Worship
10:00am Bible Study
11:00am Worship
We are so grateful to Pastors Don Fraker and Mark Harris and the people at Cross who are partnering with us to help all people access Jesus.
Learn About the New Church at Brooks
Come find your community at Brooks, San Antonio. This hour and a half event will be informal and informational. We will eat, talk about life, and throw around the vision for the new church to be planted - all while spending time in the community.
Date: Tuesday, February 4
Time: 6:30-8p
Location: Longhorn Cafe, 3150 SE Military Drive, San Antonio, TX 78223
Church Planter - Philip Doublestein - Preaching at St. Paul
Come to St. Paul Lutheran Church on Sunday, January 19 and hear Pastor Phil preach Jesus and mission. Following the early service, Pastor Phil will be leading a Bible study to complement the sermon. Services are at 9am and 11:30am with Bible study at 10:30.
We are so grateful to Pastor Dave Murillo and the people at St. Paul who are partnering with us to join Jesus on mission.
Brooks Area Prayer Walking
Pastor Philip Doublestein will be canvassing the Brooks area with prayer on the following Friday mornings from 9:00-10:00:
November 15
November 22
December 6
December 13
If you would like to join Pastor Philip, call (210)-846-8505 to find out where he will be prayer walking.
Then take the survey and let us know your thoughts!

Brooks Area Prayer Walk
LINC is excited to have the opportunity to consider many possible locations for its first church plant. One area we are deliberating is the Brooks neighborhood. Meet us for an hour of prayer for discernment.
If you’ve never been a part of a prayer walk: it is exactly how it sounds. We will have some specific prayers for you to pray, but feel free to pray for discernment and blessing with your own words.
We will start at the Starbucks on Military Drive at 9:30. You may stay as long or as short as you’d like.
After the event please take a moment to fill out this survey!

Installation Service for Pastor Phil
Come join us to celebrate the installation of Pastor Philip Doublestein to the role of Missionary for LINC. It will be held on November 3 at 3:30p at Crown of Life Lutheran Church in Stone Oak. President Michael Newman will preach and preside. Pastor Christopher Nuttelman will perform liturgy. Refreshments will be served after.

LINC Trunk-r-Treat
This family-oriented event brings all of your Trick-or-Treating to one parking lot. We hope to see you in your best costumes!
Every year, LINC helps to organize a Trunk or Treat with several of our partners. If you would like to bring your car with trunk decorated to hand out candy contact Christ Our Savior’s church office at 210-732-7223. You can also drop of candy donations to the Church office.