Special Needs VBS
Coming in spring of 2020, LINC will offer a VBS for children with special needs. Please follow the events page for updates.
Vacation Bible School
We believe that VBS is a relational ministry. That means LINC uniquely seeks ways to use the friendships formed during VBS to develop long-term, sustained communication and relationship between host churches and the families in the surrounding neighborhoods.
We love to help bring groups together. If you have creative ideas and a love for Jesus and kids, this is a great place to get involved.
Ideas for VBS:
Back to school VBS
Christmastime VBS
Spring Break VBS
If you would like to volunteer in some capacity with our inner-city and urban VBS outreach programs, please call us! We can use your help and talents!
If your church would like to meet with one of our urban mission developers to brainstorm ways you can extend your VBS program, call LINC today!