Homeless Ministries
At any given time during the year, there are roughly 4,000 people in the city of San Antonio who are homeless. Each person who deals with homelessness has a story. Some have been on the streets for years, while others have only recently found themselves suddenly without shelter or a place to call their own. Some are able to find work, others are not. Many of these people struggle with medical problems, addictions, and worse. Many have families with small children. But no matter what the exact details of their stories are, each and every one of these people is our brother or our sister in Christ, and each and every one of them needs to be offered mercy, loving kindness, and the message of the Gospel of our Savior, Jesus.
To help Christians in San Antonio reach out to these neighbors of ours, LINC San Antonio is proud to partner with Haven 4 Hope, the largest homeless rehabilitation center in the entire United States. Haven 4 Hope’s campus is home to a variety of organizations whose goals are all united by a desire to give a hand UP, not a hand OUT, to those who need it. These organizations include, but are not limited to: SAMMinistries, SA Food Bank, YMCA, CAM, Goodwill, and many of our local colleges. LINC San Antonio helps by providing spiritual services in the form a monthly worship and Bible study event, one-on-one prayer time, and fall weekend spiritual retreats for shelter residents. It is our hope to gradually increase our participation to more frequent events, and with your help, this can become a reality!
LINC is considered “church” for many members at Haven 4 Hope. We have a presence on campus weekly on Mondays, and on some Saturdays for various spiritual events.
If you would like to learn more about our outreach to the people at Haven 4 Hope, or if you would like to join us in this ministry, please contact Pastor Philip Doublestein at philipd@lincsa.org or (210) 846-8505. If you would like to donate financially to help support this outreach effort, please click Donate on the menu bar across the top.